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R A N C H O | K E Y C L U B
Division 28 North Phoenixes
Region 5 Zombie Penguins
California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Key Club International
Service Projects Chair Melika Cummings
Hello Rancho Rams! I am Melika Cummings, your 2020-2021 Service Project Chairwoman! I am so excited to bring a refreshing take on the service Rancho Key Club serves in our community. Serving others has always been one of my main objectives throughout all activities of my life and I hope I am able to inspire others to not only invest in serving their community, yet to enjoy it. Growing up, I saw how the passion and commitment to service of just one individual could transform the lives of many. My core philosophy is to do what one loves and share positivity in all avenues of life! Authentic compassion to others will be the basis to our future and I am beyond eager to make a change with you this upcoming term! Let's have a year of service! The key to success is service!
Serving the World One Project at a Time,
Melika Cummings
Service Projects Chair
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