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R A N C H O | K E Y C L U B
Division 28 North Phoenixes
Region 5 Zombie Penguins
California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Key Club International
What is RTC?
A Region Training Conference is put on every year by the current Lt. Governor(s) in your Region or combined Regions. At the Region Training Conference you will meet Key Club members from other clubs in your Region. There will be informative workshops on various topics that will help you and the other members of your club. There will be Icebreakers so you can get to know members of the other clubs in the Region. You will leave this conference knowing so much more about Key Club and how to be a more effective officer, leader and member.
Some of the workshops that may be presented at your RTC are: Membership development, Service Projects, Fundraising, Member Recognition, Running for office, Officer workshops, District Projects, Kiwanis Family, Major Emphasis Project, and Key Club 101 to name a few. You will also get more information about Fall Rally and the CNH District Convention.
This is an event you and the rest of our club members do not want to miss. Plan to have a ton of fun along the way.
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